The name Menscorpore comes from a line of verse written by the Latin poet Juvenal. “Mens sana in corpore sano” means, literally, a healthy mind in a healthy body. By understanding the indelible interdependence between the physical self and the psycho-emotional one, we interpret human health as a dynamic equilibrium. Since its creation in 2014, Menscorpore has offered a variety of different programs targeting physical-emotional and social-relational well-being. The organization is headquartered in Treviglio, east of Milan, our family’s home.
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  /    /  Winefullness

Wine and lucidity might seem contradictory. In some ways they are, to the extent that, when consumed in quantity, alcohol blurs our conscience. But when used in moderation, wine can become a “perceptual anchor,” an effective means by which to cultivate presence.


The Winefulness Experience is not a conventional tasting—all analysis and commentary and evaluation. Instead, it is guided meditation in which the wine becomes a kind of drishti—a point of focus for our perceptual gaze.


Participants remain in contact with the flow of sensory stimuli that such experiences naturally generate, returning to presence whenever thoughts of past or future draw their attention away.


This Experiences is as unusual as it is engaging, a path towards developing awareness, the most precious resource we can possess.

on request
1,5 hours
indoor e outdoor
maximum 15 people