The name Menscorpore comes from a line of verse written by the Latin poet Juvenal. “Mens sana in corpore sano” means, literally, a healthy mind in a healthy body. By understanding the indelible interdependence between the physical self and the psycho-emotional one, we interpret human health as a dynamic equilibrium. Since its creation in 2014, Menscorpore has offered a variety of different programs targeting physical-emotional and social-relational well-being. The organization is headquartered in Treviglio, east of Milan, our family’s home.
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Nature Run

  /    /  Nature Run

Amid the chaos of everyday life (at work and elsewhere), it can feel like we’re constantly running to meet our commitments and deadlines. Yet this generally produces little satisfaction, whether mental, physical, or emotional.


A better chase is to go after activities that bring well-being into ourselves: boosting the metabolism, keeping the body healthy, promoting endorphins and lowering stress levels, improving breathing, and maintaining an active brain. When done in nature, under the guidance of a mindfulness trainer who can help keep attention focused on sensation, perception, and place, the benefits multiply. 


This Experience allows participants to experience beautiful outdoor spaces, selected in a truly distinctive way. The run is preceded by a meditative warm-up that prepares the body and mind for the experience, and it is followed by a cool-down and stretching phase that helps participants savor the vitality that has been released.


Duration, distance, and degree of difficulty are customized to the needs and abilities of the client.

Langhe-Roero area or on request
2 hours
maximum 15 people