The name Menscorpore comes from a line of verse written by the Latin poet Juvenal. “Mens sana in corpore sano” means, literally, a healthy mind in a healthy body. By understanding the indelible interdependence between the physical self and the psycho-emotional one, we interpret human health as a dynamic equilibrium. Since its creation in 2014, Menscorpore has offered a variety of different programs targeting physical-emotional and social-relational well-being. The organization is headquartered in Treviglio, east of Milan, our family’s home.
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Hands on Pasta

  /    /  Hands on Pasta

Making pasta can be more than a simple series of steps if it is done mindfully and with awareness. Smell, touch, sight, and taste come together as an anchor for attention and a source of wonder.


Preparing, kneading, stretching, cooking, and saucing or seasoning the pasta all become a meditative process. The body learns to enact its full sensory potential while the mind learns to relax. If it is true that we are what we eat, then a plate of tagliatelle is food for both the body and the soul.


This workshop is led by one of our mindfulness instructors at the Pollenzo Food Lab, the experimental kitchen at the University of Gastronomic Sciences and a partner of MensCorpore Experience.

Pollenzo Food Lab (Piemonte - Langhe area) - on request
4 hours
maximum 15 people