The name Menscorpore comes from a line of verse written by the Latin poet Juvenal. “Mens sana in corpore sano” means, literally, a healthy mind in a healthy body. By understanding the indelible interdependence between the physical self and the psycho-emotional one, we interpret human health as a dynamic equilibrium. Since its creation in 2014, Menscorpore has offered a variety of different programs targeting physical-emotional and social-relational well-being. The organization is headquartered in Treviglio, east of Milan, our family’s home.
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Marco Leonzio


For many years I have been a consultant, trainer, and counselor in organizational and individual development. I have a passion for people’s stories and for the unique details that makes each a distinct gift to be explored. Together with my clients I explore possibilities for overcoming internal blockages, those that limit their expression and evolution. By accompanying them in their path towards awareness, I help them design and then realize their own forms of change. For MensCorpore, I handle program development and lead several of the training courses.

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